Home AUSTRALIA Temporary visa holders in Tasmania get $3m package for financial hardship due...

Temporary visa holders in Tasmania get $3m package for financial hardship due to coronavirus


Face of Nation International : Visa holders who can demonstrate immediate financial hardship will be eligible for $250 for individuals, and $1,000 for families. Premier Peter Gutwein said it was “only fair” to support people who had contributed to the state’s economy.

“It’s important we support these people who’ve been working in our community earning an income and this package will take the steps necessary to do that,” he said. “I don’t agree with the simple message that temporary visa holders should just go home. In many cases they can’t.”

Workers who can go home will receive financial support from the Government to get back to their home country, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) will also be eligible for emergency relief funds that target temporary visa holders. Mr Gutwein said the workers covered were mostly fruit pickers, students and hospitality workers, and the help would be rolled out in four stages from today.

The first stage is the payments directly to temporary visa holders, followed by stage two — emergency relief funds to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that target that cohort. The third stage will include financial support and travel advice for workers who can return to their home country, and the fourth will help employers retain workers if they must remain in the state. (Source: ABC News – Australia)